Saturday, 2 October 2010

Three slugs and a biscuit

Wed 29th
I awoke to find three slugs in my tent. They can smell food a mile away, so I left them a digestive biscuit.
The tent, internally, was soaking. However it wasn't too unpleasant, as the wx was quite balmy. It was more like a pleasing water therapy treatment.  My ground sheet - which I need to patch - has been ripped, as has various part of my anatomy,  by bramble thorns. They are really prolific.  
It poured all day. I arrived in Moffat, to find the library closed. However the lassie at Tourist Information allowed me to use her computer, for an hour - thanks.
I climbed over - it was quite a climb! - Devil's Beef Tub summit [where do they get these names?], to spend the night, in my tent just outside Tweedsmuir. 

Thought for the day: If two flocks of sheep are in adjoining fields, which side of the fence is greener?

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