Tuesday, 19 October 2010

The final haul

Friday 15th Oct.
It was a cold, bleak morning, and to be honest, it didn’t get much better, as one was also greeted with frequent wind-sweep showers, most of the day.  
When I reached Wick, I eventually managed to find a B&B, where I was able to drop off my back-pack, and change into my trainers – bliss!
As I walked the last 17 miles to JOG, it was like: pilgrim’s experience when his load rolled away; walking on air; on the wings of a dove!  OK… but it was certainly a lot better!!
I’ll finish the story, after I’ve posted my second “Photographic Extravaganza” – once I’ve got them sorted out [probably tomorrow].        

1 comment:

  1. Well done on making it, and in a splendidly short time. While you were finishing the course, Myra and I were en route from the French Alps, and spent the evening in London with two of our youngsters. And it was Stephen's 25th birthday! Celebrations for everyone concerned, including you!!
